Thursday, March 6, 2008

It's A Baby's Life

Thanks to all the pets who visited us and gave us the low-down on their owners! C'mon, people, can you give your furry (or feathered) friends a break ? : )

I felt a little like I was discriminating on that challenge - against the petless. So I figure, everyone knows (or has known) a baby!

Tell us this. What appears to you to be the BEST thing about being a baby? Or if you could change places with one for just part of a day, what part would it be? How does a little one seem to have it made in the shade?

Waiting to hear.....

And hey, if you've never tried your hand at one of our challenges - or if it's been a while - we'd love to have you start this week! Just click on "Pencil Scratches, " then click on "Name / URL" and put your name in the name box. (You can leave the URL box blank if you want.) Or else you can select anonymous if that seems easier, and just type your name in the same box as your comment. There's a big box for you to put your comment in, then click on publish (or preview first if you want).

Oh, and thanks to Anne Geddes for the baby picture. I'm afraid I didn't ask her permission, but I at least want to give her credit.


Anonymous said...

People stare at you all day, and make all sorts of weird noises and faces...just to get a smile out of you. :)

Anonymous said...

Made in the shade, as a baby all you have to do is lay their and breathe and your family thinks you are WONDERFUL. "Look at him breathing, precious soul"

Anonymous said...

People tickle your chin with your feet until you laugh so they will stop and leave you alone. (Right, David?) That's partly good....

The Blog Marm said...

Well, you never have to wait in line for the bathroom. That's a little less stress than the potty-trained have : )