Thursday, March 20, 2008

All Together Now: A Rainbow?

Not a very politically ambitious lot, are you? Looks like Catherine is elected, or at least she wins the Just Write Nomination! Congratulations! If any of you still want to try your hand at a speech, go back to that post and go for it.

For this assignment, get out your trusty box of Crayolas (at least mentally). I'd love to see you give us a word picture.

Here is your assignment: Complete this sentence, and if you wish, make it into a paragraph:

The ___________est thing I know is _________________.

In the first blank, you must insert a COLOR. In the second blank, insert whatever it takes to complete the thought.

It can be any number of words, sentences or paragraphs, but draw us a word picture.
Be creative, be vivid, make us see it. I'd give an example, but I don't want to steal your color. However, you may certainly use a color someone else has used, and you may put as many responses as you like.

I'm looking forward to reading your brilliant observations.... wait, I need to go get my sunglasses first.


Anonymous said...

The yellowest things I know are daffodils. I like to put them in a vase.

Anonymous said...

The pinkest thing I know is a blossoming peach tree in the spring. So pretty!

The Blog Marm said...

I am leaving this one up until next Thursday, folks. Might as well take advantage of the, uh, two-for-one (one-for-two?) special, and post something!! There are 6 colors left, and that's only in the little primary grades Crayola box!

Anonymous said...

The bluest thing I know is the sky on certain cloudless days.

Anonymous said...

The reddest thing I know is...........blood?

Anonymous said...

The greenest thing I know is winter wheat springing up through sodden earth. All around are dull browns and grays, but in the fields the vivid shoots of vibrant green wave gently in the breeze.
-Catherine W-