Tuesday, December 25, 2007

On Christmas Day, In the Morning....

Just a short question about your Christmas morning.

What time did you get up?

I am guessing the answer will be more than one or two words (for example, getting up & staying up are two different things.... or maybe someone wouldn't let you GET up, but you were wide awake....)
So we'd love to hear your response! And then, go on back and enjoy your family.
May your Chistmas Day be blessed by the One whose birth we celebrate, and may He be honored in all we do today.


Caitlin said...

First, let me say that I was up quite late last night. My alarm rang at 9:00, but I turned it off and slept until 10:46. :) Then I got up, because I was the only one still in bed.

Anonymous said...

Well I wish I could say I got up at 10:46, but I actually woke up at 7:30, then I went back to bed. I got up a couple of times, as is the Christmas tradition, according to Donna (at least that's what my siblings tell me.):)

Anonymous said...

I got up sometime around 9:10, but no one was up...so I read on the couch for a little while.

Ben said...

Grace woke me up around 9, when she tapped me on the shoulder and said "Merry Christmas". She eventually calmed down and slept for a LONG time, which she really needed to do. She was pretty grouchy last night. As far as me going back to sleep...oh well, at least somebody got some more rest.

Anonymous said...

Around 10:00, which is a bit ridiculous considering I didn't stay up very late last night...=)

Anonymous said...

Woke up about 7:30/8:00 and then I tried to go to sleep again.But then some more people were starting to get up and I coudn't resist getting up.

Anonymous said...

The oven was calling me, so I got up at around 7:00.

Cathy said...

I did not go to bed till around 1:00am Christmas morning and then I got back up around 8:00am Christmas morning.
cathy S

Anonymous said...

Ha!! I have everyone beat. Eleanor came in and woke me up at 6:00 o'clock! I tried to go back to sleep but she kept coming in and jumping on my bed so I finally dragged myself out of bed even though I had stayed up till around 11:00 PM the night before.
-Catherine W-

Anonymous said...

Christmas 2007, i woke up at 3:30. looked at my present, then went back to bed.