Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Calling All Poets

Great job! Okay, groaning time is over (I loved it). Ready for a new challenge? I am.

How are you at writing limericks?

Just remember, a limerick is a poem (often humorous) where lines 1, 2 & 5 rhyme with each other; and then lines 3 & 4, which are shorter, rhyme with each other. So the rhyme scheme is:


I've written one below, to show you how easy it is (Mine is not great art, but, hey, yours doesn't have to be either! : )

There was once a young green iguana
Who sneaked into his master's large sauna
When his owner - quite steamed -
Nearly sat on him, he screamed:
"GET OUT!"... but the lizard just didn't wanna.

Start your engines........... and we're off !


Anonymous said...

Oh, come on.
I'll do another one, just to show you how easy!

A certain tired mother assessed
That she was not getting her rest.
So she snuggled down again
And slept until ten
And woke feeling happy and blessed.

Anonymous said...

There once was a feisty young parrot
Who's favorite meal was a carrot
He'd often play dead
And his owner, she said
Next time I'll get a feisty young ferret!
-Catherine W-

Anonymous said...

My limericking skills are rotten
Iv'e thinked and I've thunked and I've thoughten
Still I'll give it a go
If you promise me though
My effort will soon be forgotten!
Cathy S

Anonymous said...

I once had a dream
of cookies 'n' cream
it was so delicious!
though hardly nutritious...
then I woke up with a scream!!

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...well, here's one I wrote when I was 10:

Timothy said he fought a bear;
But if he had, he would have hair
All over his body:
He is very naughty
To lie about fighting a bear!

Impressive, isn't it...? :D

Ben said...

that is impressive

Ben said...

There once was a lady of Spain
Who couldn't tell syrup from rain
So she'd eat breakfast tacos
In a field in Morocco
'Cause rain there falls most on the plain

Anonymous said...
